Termin Kategorie: Literaturwissenschaft
Symposium om fornnordisk kortprosa till minne av Jan Axelson
Måndagen den 23 mars arrangerar Isländska sällskapet och Institutionen för nordiska språk ett endagssymposium om fornisländsk kortprosa, så kallade þættir eller tåtar på svenska.
The 14th Bergen International Postgraduate Symposium in Old Norse Studies 2020
Each year MA and PhD students are invited from Bergen and several other universities to present their research to their peers, gaining experience in writing […]
15. Überregionale Promovierendentagung der Skandinavistik
Die Tagung wird gemeinsam von den Instituten der Skandinavistik in Freiburg und der Nordistik in Basel ausgerichtet und richtet sich an Promivierende dieser und angrenzender […]
5th International St Magnus Conference
Island life would have been impossible without the equal contribution of women and men. Women have often taken leading roles in island communities, running them […]
SASS 2020
CONFERENCE THEME: Postcolonial Entanglements The SASS conference 2020 in Puerto Rico takes as its point of departure a profound engagement with its location. Since the […]
SIG Writing Conference
The SIG Writing Conference is an event that is circled in red on the calendar of every writing researcher. It has a long-standing tradition of […]