The convenors warmly invite proposals for papers for the conference Ambiguities of Hospitality in the Middle Ages, 1000-1350, to be held at Stockholm University on […]

Wenn man den Ostseeraum als Geschichtsregion betrachtet, stellt das Ende des Großen Nordischen Kriegs 1721 eine Epochenwende dar, deren politische, gesellschaftliche, kulturelle und ökonomische Umwälzungen […]

This conference aims to explore commonalities and differences in patterns of Jewish-Christian contacts in Germany and Sweden. It also focuses on changes over time with […]

From the late 19th century and into the 20th century international law became increasingly woven into the fabric of international relations. With the creation of […]

In September 1222, Bishop Adam of Caithness was murdered by a group of resentful Caithness landholders. During his lifetime, Adam travelled from northern England to […]

The workshop is the first in the NOS-HS workshop series “Cinema, War and Citizenship at the Northern Periphery: Cinemas and their audiences in the Nordic […]