Die 19. überregionale Promovierendentagung der Skandinavistik findet am 5. und 6. April 2024 am Institut für Skandinavistik der Universität Münster statt.

We at the Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North are happy to publish the initial schedule for the conference. The conference will take […]

The presidential theme of this SASS meeting is movement. This theme speaks to ‚movements‘ as both contemporary and historical, strategic and reactionary as well as […]

The conference asks the general question about the concept of the reception of knowledge from the Arctic in Eastern Europe. Were there differences or similarities […]

The registration for the 7th Nordic Challenges conference: Uncertain Futures: Nordic (In-)Securities, New Geopolitics and Societal Ruptures, opened 1 March. Early Bird (until 20 April)

Vom 25.-26. Mai 2024 findet in Göttingen die 76. Jahrestagung der Baltischen Historischen Kommission (BHK) statt. Der Titel der diesjährigen thematischen Tagung lautet: Zwischen Gleichgewicht […]