Termin Kategorie: Politik / Gesellschaft
Colonialism, Postcolonialism and Antarctica
Does Antarctica have a colonial history? Has it entered a postcolonial present? And are those terms even appropriate for a continent where settlers have not […]
Greenland – Denmark 1721-2021
As we approach the year 2021, Greenland and Denmark can look back at 300 years of colonization and resistance, continuous cultural encounters and relationship-building, cooperation […]
Hvilken plass har samiske kvinner i historisk forskning og formidling?
Kvinner fra samiske samfunn har vært temmelig usynlige i historieskrivinga. Nå ser vi en økende interesse for både samisk historie og kvinnehistorie. På denne halvdagskonferansen […]
Medicinjournalistikens historia i Sverige: Aktörer, arenor, ideal
Under senare tid har medicinhistorisk forskning uppmärksammat den centrala betydelsen av medier och journalistik för medicinska kontroverser, skandaler och händelser i Sverige. Den mediala framställningen […]
5th International St Magnus Conference
Island life would have been impossible without the equal contribution of women and men. Women have often taken leading roles in island communities, running them […]
SASS 2021
WEITERE TERMINE: 13.-14.5. und 20.-21.5.2021 The 2021 virtual SASS conference encourages papers and presentations on the presidential theme “Economies and Ecologies” but welcomes all proposals […]