Medieval studies is a discipline that often privileges the exceptional – whether by centring study on certain influential individuals or particular historical moments or by […]

This conference aims to challenge the following gap in naval history: The Interwar Period proved to be an intriguing chapter in the history of Europe […]

In the last two decades, a new thassology—a term coined and interpreted as maritime-based historiography of seas and oceans, introduced particularly by Peregrine Horden and […]

Im Mittelpunkt der Konferenz steht die Erforschung von gegenwärtigen und historischen Transformationsprozessen im Ostseeraum. In den Forschungsfeldern "Geteiltes Kulturelles Erbe", "Energietransformation", "Sicherheitsarchitektur", "Ländliche Räume", "Neue […]

Huvudtemat för 2022 års konferens är ”Globalt och lokalt”. Genom valet av tema vill vi betona de förbindelser som funnits och finns mellan det globala […]

What is considered right or wrong, just or unjust, true or false, reasonable or silly, normal or deviant? What rights should be either defended or […]