Termin Kategorie: Literaturwissenschaft
Att läsa queert – queerteoretisk litteraturforskning
Queerteorin gjorde sitt intåg i litteraturvetenskapen under 1990-talet och har resulterat i en mängd nydanande läsningar av både etablerade och tidigare bortglömda författarskap. Det queerteoretiska […]
SASS 2024
The presidential theme of this SASS meeting is movement. This theme speaks to ‚movements‘ as both contemporary and historical, strategic and reactionary as well as […]
The Arctic in Eastern and Central Europe. Knowledge, Perception and Communication in 17th-19th century
The conference asks the general question about the concept of the reception of knowledge from the Arctic in Eastern Europe. Were there differences or similarities […]
Norse in the North 12th Annual Conference
Theme: Truth and illusion in Old Norse literatureKeynote speaker: Alex Wilson, University of Leicester
Elite Women in the Time of King Magnus the Lawmender
This event will focus on the women in King Magnus’s life and times, examining who they were as individuals, their interests, worldview, and scope for […]
Landslov of 1274 – multiple perspectives
The year 2024 marks the 750 years anniversary of the completion of King Magnus Lawmender’s Landslov in Bergen. This is celebrated as a national jubilee, […]