Termine am: Finnland
XXXX International VAKKI Symposium
The symposium is arranged under the theme of Workplace Communication. Workplace communication comprises many different forms, such as texts, service encounters in different professional fields, […]
Språkets Funktion 17
I symposiet diskuteras språkets djupaste väsen och språkforskningens grundläggande frågor allvarligt men avslappnat, utan att försöka undvika risker. Inte bara språkvetare är intresserade av språket […]
Svenskan i Finland 19
Temat för konferensen är ”Att skriva på svenska – privat och professionellt”, men som alltid är alla ämnen som rör svenskan i Finland välkomna. Om […]
Migration in the North 2020
(Im)migration in the north is not a new phenomenon, but indeed an unexplored area of research and development. The Arctic region is facing new problems […]
XLI VAKKI Symposium
The symposium is arranged under the theme of Workplace Communication. Workplace communication comprises many different forms, such as texts, face-to-face meetings as well as digital […]
Fonologi i Norden
Fonologi i Norden (FiNo) is intended as a relatively informal platform for phonologists in the Nordic countries (including, but not limited to Denmark, Estonia, Finland, […]