The idea of the conference − memory culture − sprang naturally from its cultural topography. Vilnius, a “polycultural and polychronic text” (to quote the poet […]

Huvudtemat för 2021 års konferens är ”Globalt och lokalt”. Genom valet av tema vill vi betona de förbindelser som funnits och finns mellan det globala […]

Organised by the members and collaborators of the Mediated Arctic Geographies project, which is based at Tampere University and funded by the Academy of Finland, […]

This conference commemorates the centennial of the introduction of universal and equal suffrage in Sweden. The aim is to initiate and present research on the […]

The conference theme is GENDER, POWER and DISEMPOWERMENT.The year 2021 marks the end of two decades where the Nordic countries have celebrated the 100th anniversary […]

GRENSER – i grenseløs forstand – er tema for Norske historiedager 2021. Siden fagmiljøet har invitert til samling i Tromsø, passer det fint å illustrere […]