Unser Aufruf richtet sich an all jene, die im Bereich Skandinavistik/Nordistik sowie in verwandten Fachbereichen promovieren und sich auf fachlicher, aber auch auf sozialer Ebene […]

På grunn av den usikre smittevernsituasjonen vil konferansen arrangeres heldigitalt. Det er utvilsomt store fordeler med et fysisk arrangement, men vi vil søke å utnytte […]

Le IVe Congrès de l’Association pour les Études Nordiques (APEN) sera organisé à Paris les 18, 19 et 20 novembre 2021 par l’Inalco en partenariat […]

In recent years, the Nordic welfare states have been celebrated around the world in surveys of social trust and happiness. In fact, according to the […]

Organised by the members and collaborators of the Mediated Arctic Geographies project, which is based at Tampere University and funded by the Academy of Finland, […]

CONFERENCE THEME: Postcolonial Entanglements The SASS conference 2022 in Puerto Rico takes as its point of departure a profound engagement with its location. Since the […]