Men, Masculinities, Intersectionalities: The Nordic Research Conference will take place online from 3 to 4 November 2022. The theme of the conference is intersectionalities with […]

Kilden kjø inviterer forskere, politikere og sivilsamfunn til vår årskonferanse: Likestilling for framtida – ti år etter Skjeie-utvalget. Skjeie-utvalget ble nedsatt av den rødgrønne regjeringen […]

Focusing on the societal and environmental challenges contemporary green transitions entail, this workshop seeks to connect perspectives of justice with green transitions in and of […]

From the late 19th century and into the 20th century international law became increasingly woven into the fabric of international relations. With the creation of […]

The NORDICORE closing conference marks the end of our five-year Nordic Centre of Excellence, with presentations and discussions of key findings. The aim of the […]

Conference registration is now open to participants! Create an account and register for the online sessions, on-site workshops and keynote events through our registration site.