This conference centres on the city, the metropolis, and on sound and language as central elements in the production of urban spaces and communities. The […]

Abstract som lämnas in ska vara maximalt 300 ord, inkl. referenser. Vi välkomnar bidrag som knyter an till konferensseriens övergripande tema, dvs. forskning om språk, […]

Bug or feature? is an annual two-day symposium organised by a group of scholars working within the broader field of Digital Humanities. Our committee members […]

Fremtidens Europa Tirsdag 23. april går Christiekonferansen av stabelen i Universitetsaulaen. I år retter vi blikket mot Europa og spør: Hvordan ser Europa ut om […]

The presidential theme of this SASS meeting is movement. This theme speaks to ‚movements‘ as both contemporary and historical, strategic and reactionary as well as […]

The registration for the 7th Nordic Challenges conference: Uncertain Futures: Nordic (In-)Securities, New Geopolitics and Societal Ruptures, opened 1 March. Early Bird (until 20 April)