Termin Kategorie: Sprachwissenschaft
CSS Conference 2019: Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges
The second conference will take place between May 16th-18th 2019 and it is titled "Scandinavian Languages and Literatures World Wide – Prospects and Challenges". A […]
LNC2019: International conference Languages, Nations, Cultures
The international conference Languages, Nations, Cultures: Pluricentric Languages in Context(s) explores the complex relationships that exist between languages, nations and cultures. In particular, it does […]
SALC7: 7th Conference of The Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition
Confirmed plenary speakers: – Morten Christiansen (Cornell University, Ithaca) – Judith Holler (Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen) – Sean Roberts (University of Bristol, UK)– Sophie Scott […]
14. überregionale Promovierendentagung der Skandinavistik
Liebe Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden der Skandinavistik, hiermit laden wir euch recht herzlich zur 14. überregionalen Promovierendentagung in Frankfurt/Main vom 24.05.-26.05.2019 ein. Wenn ihr präsentieren wollt, […]
Konferencen dækker de nordiske sprog som andet- og fremmedsprog og flersprogethed i Norden i bred forstand. Bidrag kan fx tematisere sprogtilegnelse, sprogholdninger, sprogideologier, sprogpolitik, uddannelse, […]
AASSC Conference (Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada
The AASSC invites papers of 20 minutes duration, to be followed by an additional 10 minutes of discussion time. Papers may be given in English […]