The symposium focuses on the role of pragmatics in language change, a role that is often underrated. By pragmatics we mean, on the one hand, […]

Formålet med GRAMINO 3 er at samle forskere som arbejder med grammatiske forhold i de nordiske sprog (dansk, elvdalsk, færøsk, islandsk, norsk, svensk og relevante […]

Konferencen Dansk Kønsforsknings ydre og indre rammer sætter den danske kønsforskning på dagsordenen. Over to dage præsenteres og diskuteres den aktuelle danske kønsforskning. I gennem […]

What is considered right or wrong, just or unjust, true or false, reasonable or silly, normal or deviant? What rights should be either defended or […]

The workshop uses bureaucracy as a lens to explore the conformity, consensus, and collaborativeness that are held typical for voluntary associations in the Nordic region. […]

From the late 19th century and into the 20th century international law became increasingly woven into the fabric of international relations. With the creation of […]