Termin Kategorie: Politik / Gesellschaft
SASS 2020
CONFERENCE THEME: Postcolonial Entanglements The SASS conference 2020 in Puerto Rico takes as its point of departure a profound engagement with its location. Since the […]
Jubiläum „650 Jahre Stralsunder Frieden“
Die geplante internationale und interdisziplinäre Tagung widmet sich historischen, sozialhistorischen, wirtschaftshistorischen, stadthistorischen, kultur- und kunsthistorischen, archäologischen und kommunikationshistorischen Aspekten des Friedensschlusses von 1370 in Stralsund […]
Scandinavian Multilateral Diplomacy: from the League of Nations to post-war IOs
Over the last hundred years, diplomacy has become increasingly nested in multiple IOs, from the League of Nations, via the United Nations and several economic […]
Identity Politics: Comparative Perspectives on the Nordic Countries and east central Europe
This course addresses PhD candidates who wish to enhance their knowledge of collective identities and identity politics as well as their competence in comparative methods. […]
Medicinjournalistikens historia i Sverige: Aktörer, arenor, ideal
Under senare tid har medicinhistorisk forskning uppmärksammat den centrala betydelsen av medier och journalistik för medicinska kontroverser, skandaler och händelser i Sverige. Den mediala framställningen […]
IASS 2020: Memory Culture in Scandinavian Studies
The idea of the conference − memory culture − sprang naturally from its cultural topography. Vilnius, a “polycultural and polychronic text” (to quote the poet […]