Termin Kategorie: Sprachwissenschaft
XXXIX International VAKKI Symposium
VAKKI Communication Research Association arranges a Symposium on February 7-9, 2019 under the theme of Workplace Communication. Workplace communication comprises many different settings: face-to-face meetings […]
FiNo 2019: Fonologi i Norden
FiNo is meant to be a relatively informal workshop for phonologists in the Nordic countries (including, but not limited to Denmark, Estonia, the Faeroes, Finland, […]
CLARe 4: Corpora for Language Aging Research
The CLARe 4 conference in Helsinki 2019 follows the conferences in University of Louvain in 2014 and 2015 and FU Berlin in 2017. The aim […]
NordAc³: Nordic Research on Accent, Acceptability and Acquisition
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in studies on L2 pronunciation. This includes studies that focus on the relationship between L2 pronunciation and sociolinguistic […]
Hva med språkfellesskapet?
Seminar om hvordan det står til med det nordiske språkfelleskapet – ikke minst på universitetene i Norden. En ny utredning om undervisning av Nordens språk […]
Svenskans beskrivning 37
Temat för konferensen är Språket och det sociala, särskilt språkets roll i social inkludering och exkludering. Temat belyses ur olika perspektiv av tre plenarföreläsare: Anna […]