The NORDICORE closing conference marks the end of our five-year Nordic Centre of Excellence, with presentations and discussions of key findings. The aim of the […]

In 1673, Johannes Schefferus published Lapponia, the first scholarly work entirely devoted to Sápmi and the Sámi people. To mark its 350th anniversary, UiT The […]

Temaet er Det gamle og det nye i ordbøkene. Vi inviterer til eit breitt samansett program som omfattar alt som gjeld språkleg opphav og endring: […]

Launched in 2016, UiO:Nordic is the largest research initiative focused on the Nordic region. Funding, hosting, and administering 13 interdisciplinary research groups, UiO:Nordic has conducted […]

Annet hvert år samles kjønnsforskere og andre interesserte for å dele ny kunnskap, bygge nettverk og for å inspirere hverandre. Dette er en mulighet for […]

Health and Happiness in Nordic Literature and Culture Literary history is full of stories of tragedy and death. Many who work with Nordic literature are […]