• 26.08.2024 - 28.08.2024
  • 🇩🇪 Deutschland / Online
  • Forschungsstelle für die Geschichte der Hanse und des Ostseeraums; Universität Bielefeld; Universität Bern
  • zur Website

A digital Workflow for Historical Corpora – from HTR to NER

Scholars working in the field of history must actively face up to the diverse possibilities and methods arising from the rapid developments in the field of digitalisation and artificial intelligence. Digital humanities and digital history are currently changing historical work in many ways and opening up new ways of working with and accessing sources. Particularly in the field of manuscript recognition and the processing of large amounts of data, comprehensive progress can be recorded. Against this backdrop, the FGHO, in collaboration with the Universities of Bern and Bielefeld, is offering a practice-oriented summer school, which is being organised this year in the context of the joint research project ‘The Flow – from Deep-Learning to Digital Analysis and their Role in the Humanities. Creating, Evaluating and Critiquing Workflows for Historical Corpora’.

Students and historians of all levels, from BA to professor, archive staff and other interested parties are invited. Applicants should already have some experience in the field of HTR. The conference will be held in English. Participants will need internet access and a Google account. An application for participation requires a short CV (max. 1 A4) and a letter of motivation of no more than one page, which should also comment on existing previous knowledge and personal expectations or own current projects. If interested, please submit the above information in a PDF to info@fgho.eu